[CFM2] Banned Chat

Wolves prolly have strongman or some op shit and kill alice tonight lol

I kinda hope they kill alice because that’s a slot I’m worried about

Considering the event reward was busted, this is crazy high power lol

mainly from a ‘this slot could very easily be scum’ perspective

Yeah same I like it when that happens

Cuz then I can just follow her reads instead of wondering if I’m being duped all game.

I’m not sure I like Marshall much atm. I like ici more.

I’ve been looking for players that are town regardless of Nap associations

I think Tech/Kyo/CRich/Gorta/Ami are good clears

I rlly dunno about kyo tbh.

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I think apprentice is prolly town (weirdly thought he was town more before nap stuff) lol. He just looked super good all game imo.

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the maxi clear feels off to me
but I also see the logic for it

Alice and marshall have both been making kinda weird clears to me. I cant remember the exact ones.

Alice and marshal have been weird all game
Marshal clearly is trying to dominate thread. Dude exudes it.
Alice is just wack

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I think derps is just town

Marshall said hed only ever bussed 3 times in his fm life. What he didnt say was that 2 of those times were literally his last scum game lol.

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problem is that I think I might die tonight to marshal because I very much wanted to keep him out of towncore and expressed those sentiments

Dw if u do I’ll come back and snipe him

Bad logic but whatever lol

If u do die I think its p damning of scum leading discussion tho.

I tried throwing wolves off my tracks by queuing my day action to go off while I was offline