[CFM2] Banned Chat

Ahaha, a bot aimed directly at SDA! Except… SDA truly believed it…

Also meesa thinks at least 4 scum left so bad news they have it anyway

There is at least one neutral role in this setup.

I mean if Alice is the main wagon for today, it’s probably the mafia who have this assuming Alice is town.

I’m wasn’t lying, lol
I misinterpreted information

I did not expect to have the ability to masonize neutrals

Is that right?
Ok then.

… I have explained why I thought neutrals did not exist and that it was theoretically possible for them to exist but such a miniscule chance that I’d might as well bank on them not existing

Still it doesn’t change the fact that my mech info contradicts you Kyo.

…? What did I miss? I thought Kyo said his ability can masonize a neut. What about it?

I got mech info telling me at least one neutral exists in this game when I died N2.
Though why I was chosen as the night kill when there was no way I was Chloe is a mystery.

In what way does your mech info contradict Kyo’s?

Didn’t Kyo claim there were no neutrals in this game?
Yet my N2 mech information says there is at least one neutral in this game.

Didn’t Kyo literally say that it was a misunderstanding?

Yeah that’s what Kyo claimed earlier. That it was a misunderstanding :thinking:

Then it was simply a misunderstanding.
Dunno how; don’t care either.
Let’s sleep. It’s 4 AM.

I’m thinking it was a misunderstanding as well.

Oh my goodness, town is just killing themselves.
Facepalming myself hard.

Well look at that, town loses. Executing Chloe out of all the bad choices they could have made.

Wait they killed fucking geyde/???