[CFM2] Banned Chat

Yes that sounds about right.
Anyway my next game perhaps I’ll rand NK and devour the sheep in the night :slight_smile: .

Me as NK: Be a trusted townie in the day and a devourer of the town at night.
Sounds about right.

Wait… WTF?

By the way, how come Alice’s ban was never announced? Did I miss something?

No idea but Hippo literally outed at the EoD yesterday and only Leafia shot him.

I think we lost, tbh.

I mean Ici is now obviously a wolf here as his claim is fake.

I’m surprised the town imploded this fast.

…Blizer replaced Ici and he flipped town.

Oh yeah I missed that.

I was right reading Ici/Blizer as town. Derps being town was something I caught onto fast, yet I died N2.

Where are my wolves to revive me
How long does it take

…you’re a wolf?

Of course I am. I just got absolutely decimated.
I want a revive as compensation.

he claimed lw in here so lol

And N took you down with him, right?

Yes that’s correct


That’s f’ing hilarious.

I KNOW. It is quite funny.
He just absolutely obliterated five of us

Wait, Centuries and ob were…?