[CFM2] Banned Chat

Wait, how?

yup. my wincon was to suicide bomb

I don’t believe it, tbh.

feel free to believe whatever you want to believe.
I’m a man of my word.

Dafuq? You didn’t suicide bomb; you killed us by losing on purpose in the event.

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Well N.1 does corroborate my mech info that there is at one neutral in the game.

and my goal was to take 3+ people down with myself

I wonder who’s the actual 3p, tbh.

Good question. Lets go through possibilities.

the event didnt matter

my goal was to die with any 3+ others simultaneously

i had an ability that would help with that, but i wasn’t going to get access to it until later in the game so i know i had to push there

why the fuck else has your poe been so shit all game

…you implied that you think this game was non-bastard, yet you claim you have a wincon which requires 3+ players to die by your cause.

…that sounds BS no matter how I look at it. In the first place, other than events, what are other ways for you to win?

abilities that i was going to get starting n2
like i said no way was i living that long

Really now? Another ability that is unlocked as time passes?

Wait. Is this the reason you guys kept her alive for so long? Because her POE was wrong?

honestly if i rolled a role that can only ever put me in a neighborhood with 2 scum lul

I was Simon and the only useful info I had before I died was that the mafia have a GF.

Still I wonder how many people caught on I wasn’t Chloe apart from Alice?

Perhaps this sounds ridiculous, coming from the man who lived for only 90 minutes in a mash with ITA and bots, but why would you think you wouldn’t survive that long?

this game is really townsided, it seems
albeit i admit it has been amusing to watch the town torpedo itself over my meaningless iso

eh at least I can feel good about how I basically did nothing that directly harmed town