[CFM2] Banned Chat

no only the first day. But I naturally won events from my one passive, hence the prize stealing and stuff. Hence why i was mad about auction

exactly on the point

sorry lol @DatBird

Guess my flavor based on my bots’ names?

I couldnt tell ya honestly, didnt even know my bots flavors were Ici indicative

Alice I’m a potential ally if you resurrect me
I hope you LOSE

Who is the most likely player in this match to fake a red check on a green as a RT?

You, Astand(but not in game), Marshal, Meteoro

No lol. Faking a red on a green check is a horrible move that follows no logic.

Also lol@the entire evil team and NKs going after my head after I literally confirmed myself as evil after I said I knew no neutrals existed and heavily softed knowing only scumsided neutrals existing

oh wait Derps, he did that in Insurgency

Tbh, we had a lot of good wolfing this match.

The wolfteam, Marshal, and I had a hell lot of thread control.

no i thought you were LW

i just thought the optimal strat was to torpedo ourselves and just hope the towncore infiltrators could make it since we were becoming uber compromised

:man_shrugging: i think i did well

Did you actually think simon was scum

I am sour that I died
I demand a revive

Nah. He does this shit as either alignment.

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pointing out my vote on him and comparing it to NDFM was rly smart

It was not intentional here but boy lol

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It’s extremely easy to push MLs when villagers don’t play the game, tbh.


The like 12 person poe of people who just didnt play game