[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

it was a joke about using natural selection to create an alpha wolf who could single handedly crush town
then we started bussing eachother

I get that
it happened

it was clearly effective

it worked because it was wack

that’s not even the dumbest thing that a non-town has done this game

no, I’m not telling you what the dumbest one was

tell me what the dumbest one was


That indicates App as a wolf

and Leafia lol

i might :eyes:
because i know exactly what it was

okay so N.1, who was our fucking strongman
suicide played and killed our SUPER ARSONIST
and nearly murdered our godfather

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yeah basically
I made post about how weird that out was unless it was for an interesting maneuver

but didn’t expand on it

Thats an actual Omegalul

I thought that kyo was a wolf there

Was Centuries scum?

but then just didn’t focus on it
eh whatever

zone had the power to douse every day and every night
day douses would force people to leave at night, two ignites
night douses could ban at day, two ignites

n.1 fucking killed him


PKR was scum

the obviously bullshit role was bullshit
what a surprise

Honestly, His play did get a wolf into towncore

so lol, it wasnt the worst play tbh

That means my conditional 1 shot occupation could only hit town too. Marvelous.