[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

Is this rand rigged?


Town had a 50% to kill a bot by using their ITA’s. And instead, they wasted them all during the night

That’s just how dice work complaining about it won’t change it lmao

Claudia: does not start out death immune and doesn’t initially have a nightkill

ModeShifter: does not start out with a nightkill and never goes above 1 KPN

everyone: ‘why are eevee’s NKs so OP’


ah yes
cleanpoisonvotestealneighborize anyone who visits you and you can also suicide to convert someone else into you
that’s not overpowered at all

But Leafia/App rolled scum in the last 2 mashups while I just roll town


That’s how dice work

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That’s not rng, that is some rigged screwery

“starts off weak” is not valid reasoning for “will literally fucking obliterate the entire town single handedly”

Roll a dice a few times

Do you get the same number multiple times in a row?

Must be rigged

I don’t have a dice on me, but I am pissed

the chance of rolling scum was about 1 in 4 in both times

the chance of a given player rolling scum twice in a row is about 1 in 16

that might not sound like a lot but things that are that common happen all the time, it would be weirder statistically if no one rolled scum twice in a row

Using statistics has no bearing on the actual chance of something happening In regards to something like FM

For example when rolling the GI game with an absurd amount of classes I rolled some of the same classes 2-4 times

I am just pissed, that’s all

Which is a much lower chance of randing scum twice

But that still happened

you don’t want “juggernaut 2.0” where it not just makes you want to be lucky like the juggernaut
but you also become so unbelievably powerful that you could literally win a fucking 1v5 openwolfing in the endgame

Arete pls just end day

Game is legit just up to mech at this point

are you trying to make a neutral killer
or are you trying to make concepts for juggernaut buffs