[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

screw these dice


There is something in play that hasnt been used yet

its the only reason to why Arete hasnt ended the day tbh

the ITA window?

I thought ITAs were gone after mid elections or smn

Letā€™s just get this damn mess over with

imagine getting pissy that someone rolls scum twice and you roll the statistically likely option


I want to rant

would tewptmtf have enough power to defeat the nootral killr

It just seems too good to be true for App/Leafia

also what were the conditions for them to appear

If it seems that I am pissy thatā€™s because I am genuinely pissed and this is how I let it out

I donā€™t get why people get so heated about what they roll (okay maybe I can understand neut but meh)

You should enjoy town and scum lmao
(Also you should post as both alignments cough @Italy cough)

Like I like scum more but I donā€™t dislike town :man_shrugging:t2:

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I havenā€™t had a chance to get a decent scum game on this site in over a year, so thatā€™s why I am pissed

How many games have you played the past year

especially in one of these big mashes with 5-6 wolves

oh no iā€™m just slowly losing wim
alignment doesnā€™t matter much
all these scum games are just slowly breaking me

You legit claim to try to be NAI as town

Why canā€™t you play the same as scum

alice is definitely bluffing
if you gave her a 100% ita hit rate iā€™m gonna fucking strangle you eevee

I mean those arenā€™t especially common here so