[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)


I love playing ones that force you to thread control

but when they hit they hit

Why do you think I am so adamant on rolling scum? Itā€™s because I want to experience the group scum experience more


Lone wolf is where itā€™s at

95 and Iā€™d agree

randing wolf constantly completely murdered my WiM

SirDerpsAlot has been modkilled for incorrect opinions

(this is a joke, not an actual modkill)

I will say scum can kinda suck when you roll it with people who have widely differing playstyles as it can create some conflict

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You are misunderstanding me here, as I am just getting pissed at others somehow getting scum multiple times in a row.

NK is the only fun neut to rand

listen if your setups have a 100% neutral killer winrate

something is wrong

also how was alice supposed to die until really late with their role being immune to itas and having a bp

ā€œi have mechanical information that italy was occupy immune, and he claims not to beā€

Canā€™t you see how the opposite can cause the same feeling?

sample size too small

I think arete wants some ham

there was no way to weed them out with investigative info
desperado had them as a green

dammit Italy now Eevee has to put another nk in their game to test if their setups are broken

when i rolled scum with nappy we vibed hard

when i was with you and ob we didnā€™t vibe as i rely on mech fuckery a bit as scum

ā€˜haha get fucked, youā€™re a survivor and your slot is publicly announced to be 80 percent likely to be nontownā€™

ā€˜Arete do what I want or I will VISIT YOUā€™

ā€˜youā€™re a survivor who has to side with a specific faction. you donā€™t know which faction. did I mention that despite being a survivor you have no way to selfprotect?ā€™
