[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

Then you have Sulit’s desparado shot, but yeah I know what you mean

i see it, with her trying to claim truthfully but leaving herself an out, and then taking it when she saw backlash

but idk man, i disagree.

The issue with Alice is everyone is scared to shoot Alice cuz omg what if their town

man if i had this revelation 2 hours ago i could have.
or i could have looked into her a bit.

its not like anyone would answer any questions anyway

I spent the entire day saying Alice was scum

Then Alice shot me because “I was tunneling villagers”

I went from towncore to dayvig because ReAValUaTiOn

yeah, but i can do that safely.
its been consistently within my every-meta for a long time now that i look inward and target towncore for questioning every now and then.

still waiting for eevee to confirm that there will never be a way to bring back people who left forums

Yes but I’m speaking about Alice she has me hard towncored and the second I start pushing her she vigs me


also i can say that even without this id doubt we could come back

Already have

I know what you mean, but I am simply saying it’s possible that Alice isn’t scum and is just too big for her britches as times

needs eevee confirmation


but she couldnt do that to me. because i always do that sorta thing, and everyone would quickly turn on her for shooting me over that.

We won’t join fourms but it’s technically possible for people to speak to us via an event technically


well still
imo there will never really be dead interaction here.
no revives at least

I always do that too which is why I’m mad they didn’t kill alice

I was vocal in saying that Alice should die d4

true but like i couldnt tell someone that thats a thing you do on the reg really

i’m just over here laughing because this game is seriously in our favor rn

I was vocal in saying Alice should have been pelted with ITAs