[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

You know what

He claimed fucking miller

he was mafia, got killed by NK lol

the ultimate deepwolf

Marshal was killed by Alice

hippo claimed miller to me in deadchat n1 so I didn’t even question anything. bad move but w/e


that might make sense
i’ll see if that’s valid later

Wait Marsh was never in Deadchat

same with Hippo

Banned chat is diff because they can get ressed


i didnt know that.




i dont think so with Dat

dat is v
I cannot see them being scum


minor spoilers:


sulit was a real Desperado but her shot would have killed her if she’d shot a godfather

but Alice is not a godfather

app/leafia/mist is semi-plausible

I forgot mist was in the game

hippo might also be in there
not sure who that would replace

his shot on maxi was sus af tbh

but like, i know Hippo also doesnt pay attention at times lol

can i tell them now

do it
no balls

I feel kinda good about being the reason why two wolves fucking died

got destroyed

I kind of wish they killed me earlier
too bad I was fucking PR

this game has been right where we wanted it to be tbh