[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

I don’t remember the exact top posters
maybe you were up there


other dead chat: ‘why haven’t you called the game yet, you suck’

me, knowing that the outcome of the game is technically not mechanically locked: ‘uhhh…reasons :eyes:

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I felt like the world was on me this game for town to win this
it kind of was

which sucks because even though I played well, I didn’t stick hard to my own reads

insert shaking eyes

Maria’s best bet is to kill one of Alice bots is it not?

heads or tails guys?

Tails ez win

if n.1 didn’t shoot himself we were gonna strongmam alice
stop fucking up our plans

oh fuck you

we had several chances to reduce alice to ashes
and took zero

I mean

Town did kinda play like shit

Also I called it D1 wolves has a good thread control

wolves used a fucking meme strat and managed to put town into the ground

let me be frustrated over what happened in a meme game

town put town into the ground


wolves didn’t do that much

I’m frustrated that people refused to kill Alice because ???

Like everyone in the game was like yeah their scummy but don’t kill them lol

we had literally zero interaction in killing both prs

I had sulit desperado them

eevee was super annoyed that we didn’t dayframe alice

I did think alice was unlikely to be v after all they did
So I had desperado target them

and I didn’t hedge my bets on nk