[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)


You weren’t talking about this game were you

i was talking about anime fm
you nerd


You also didn’t post in that game either

Y’all are both nerds here



People complain about meta reads, but still read people based on activity, which only works for a few people.

because people are small brain
I don’t do it though does that make me smart :^)


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On mobile but
Eric Andre meme
Town: shoots town
Town: how could the mafia do this

the gif broke

not sure if that makes it better or worse

flaming blanket vs town

also context of that meme doesn’t accurately rep game that well

unless you want that to be Blizer’s pov when replacing in
in that case it’s perfect

I think in general it’s less ‘reading people purely on post count’ and more ‘if someone is posting more, it’s more likely that they’ll post something that makes them obviously town’

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I remember when we were calling for people to post more
they do post more

they post way too fucking much

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No offense to the people here, but most of the people here are just bad at times. It’s just a constant mess of sheeping “good players” and shading people for activity. I even got onto CRich for sheeping me completely, as I don’t want to see people sheeping other players like that at all. Think for yourselves

Someone make this properly please.
You can take credit I just also want to see the car pics if you win

It dosent bother me because I don’t iso lol

Most of the veterans here don’t

Do you often solve games?

My post count felt reasonable for this game for major town voice
somewhere around 400 in three days or so