[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

Actually after rereading my ISO, I did okay. Would say 7/10 on my reads.

how narcisstic can you get

Mistakes were made.

I felt bad for light for fucking up insurgency so I decided to fuck up even more here to make him feel better.

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For real tho I just popped in and saw ITAs were back and saw Maxi was main wagon so shot at him. Didnt rlly look at time left or think about it.

Big oops.

Are any town alive?

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dont know who else

eevee should say if there is a nk or not… so hectic with way too little info for a rolemadness

like i get it’s rolemadness but too much bs is pretty fucking annoying

and like im pretty sure eevee only reactivated itas cause of my ability/gift so coordination between hosts wasn’t there since i had to wait hours upon hours for an answer

no wim to read rest of thread cause im still slightly upset everyone relied on mech info too much even tho leafia was way too freaking obvious as scum like if i, the arguably shittiest wolfhunter on the site can tell that they’re scum beyond a doubt, then that probably means something

bruh im dead already as main wagon with like THREE MINUTES LEFT TILL EOD u just shoot someone poe thats not main wagon or u give scum the opportunity to cfd onto a town pr (which is what happened)


like i mean there was so little info with the chaos of the events

the nk was just allowed to sit quietly and then steamroll as everyone killed themselves

would definitely rather see events that have their rewards known beforehand or afterwards or smth or just high power classes with less events cause some ppl’s classes were basically vanilla cits and i feel like that’d be boring as fuck

I mean, it was said neutrals might exist.

Nothing else really should be said.

And tbh if you really needed information about nks, there was mechanics oracle who could ask about them.

Thats a RIP tbh.

I agree with this a lot. The events were very time dependent and reward players that are just in thread at all times (these players typically already have an advantage on thread state)

I also won no event, so salt.

Is alice evil then?


she is.

did the mass death event even have a reward

is alice actually di