[CFM2] New Community Chat (Dead Chat)

more than zero, but less than 15

That doesnā€™t help

inb4 14 scum players are alive


we were the good guys all along :eyes:

informed majority vs uninformed minority

if i remember correctly though
something fun should take place in a few days

Thatā€™s slightly worrying

fun for mafia

or fun for us


It will be fun

very fun yes

Itā€™s likely fun for mafia

Damnit, we are dead, I want spoilers now

letā€™s just hope it hasnā€™t been interrupted by bad luck

Is there any cult faction/conversion in the mafia?

why you asking me instead of eevee

should i just reply :^) to everything he says and be really cryptic about everything

didnā€™t you try asking eevee already


I am just curious here and the suspense is killing me