FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

google en passant


the chess move?

also zl would it be too much to ask you to please type normally

Why would I search up a peasant

confusion intensifies
I don’t think we’re getting anywhere with this
speaking of going places
I’m McDipping off to dinner because it’s my stepbrother’s graduation
no ‘hey stepbro’ jokes or ill murder you

Yeah, I’m on board with that,

/Vote Jane

im going to bed

What’s the case against Jane?

I literally don’t remember anything about them



sorry stepbro im stuck playing this shitty forum game i have to miss your graduation


Super ambivalent about Jane. Never been a good Jane reader, Jane randed town every single time I played with them I think so I don’t have much experience.

youre notspposet doto evaluate youre reads iwthout telling me !!! 1! !1!!! !11!!

gghana gimme tonereads

no i already missed the graduation
but i havent eaten yet today so id rather not miss the dinner too

night why are you misspelling everything

its weirding me out now

Honestly Night

this actually hurts to read

Hi Vulgard

I see you’re being run up lol

Why are there 2000 posts already