FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

it was wolfy


Would probably still blast FK before Luxy if we think Luxy’s mafia unless FK rescinds.


if you dont want me to call your posts wolfy dont make wolfy posts

it was a preemptive justification of vulgard’s behavior in a factually flawed way that generally does not come from villagers, plus iirc you hadn’t established a townread on vul to explain that

i was being snarky because i thought i had explained this but i dont think i did whoops

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Can someone catch me up

/vote centuries

i thikn probably just kill centuries
he kinda just
disappeared after the marshal thing and i think the majority of his treatment of the argument was pretty bad
combined with the way in which he misconstrued my point about intensify to discredit it
his entire behaviour during this time didn’t feel like he actually wanted to convince me of intensify’s alignment since he was consistently dismissive of actually arguing it, saying “next” after a lot of the posts

I have been threadspewed v

not really worth it

vulgard is a wagon because katze is tunneling him and also doing katze things

thats about it i think

I see what happen3d for that to hppen?

Oh oke

Explain how?

everyone is acting like I don’t exist

I searched up my own name and after I left nobody ever commented on me

thats not all of why

i strongly think hes a wolf (and did a katze thing) but other people also wolfread him earlier

centuries wagon is fine but i think them disappearing is proooobably NAI

this is a serious read

I’m being handled with kid gloves again

why does this make you a villager

its a 47 player game

shut your ego up before i do it for you

cause if I’m getting actively ignored it means the wilves are scared of how large my forum mafia playing skills are

or wolves don’t think I’m a threat/an easy push so I get ignored

I see how you mean that tbh

I think its towny for Ghana to genuinely make a read to say they’re threadspewed cuz of that lol

Even if I dont agree

I think its towny