FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

ive been ml’d like twice in my entire life so like its not that common

one of those times you even did it yourself

i just done die

im a rat

event incoming?


Event Announcement

Player Limit: 7
Risk of Death: None
Time: Approximately 25 minutes
Mobile-friendly: No
Requires stable internet connection: Yes
Sign-ups will close in 10 minutes, at 2021-06-18T07:01:00Z.

Type /in to join. Further details will be given in the event PM.

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Glad I didn’t go to sleep I guess

Quick ping your scummates

lets gooo!!!

first event hype



I’ll take anyone who hasn’t posted in the last 2 hours inning rn as a wolfclaim

oh wait no there was the drawing thing and I could have missed some


I think I only submitted a thing for drawing

okay but why say that then

weh i should go to bed


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