FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

weh i should go to bed


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that’s seven I think

Missed two events, lets go


  1. Centuries
  2. Orange
  3. Min
  4. katze
  5. Marluxion
  6. Nutella
  7. Frostwolf103

The event PM will be sent out shortly.

its a good thing im on computer ran

how serious do you think this is

i did so badly in the math one bc i was distracted must redeem myself


This was during our interaction I said it like a moron and looking back on it, I shouldn’t have.

Read what I’ve said, it doesn’t take a mind reader to find it


who remembers the event in cfm2 that lost town the game

Anyway I gtg now, good luck in the event

cya wazzza

honestly I could see it

but then why would you spend forever just denying you did anything at all


that’s nonsense

Can’t say I have, I know one game that you jump from the sea to escape the fire on ship, only to get poisoned in water.


I’ll catch up later.

I’ll do the art event thingy now.

No dice, I read your first few posts from that game and there you do actually have some suspicion on players or at least play like you have to put pressure. It’s also a setup that promotes just finding town early as you need to elect a King, so it’s not a fair comparison regardless.