Change to king (maybe chaos game-mode element)

As it stands, kings abilities are:
-defend yourself
-get extra treason votes, very good when equal good and bad sides
-decide one person’s fate

I don’t think this is very good. For this reason, I think kings should keep one of their abilities they had before they were king (devs choose which is main ability from each class), and then have guards. The king’s day abilities would be in ADDITION to whatever day abilities they had before (they could still only use one per day, exception being things like scout and imprison). This would make king a generally more desirable class.

You might be wondering, “But normy, what about the original kiiingg?”

  1. Stop adding more letters to words to purposefully sound annoying
  2. Starting election

My idea is no one starts out as king, and in day 1 you have a king election (currently day 1 is only used for prince deciding who to jail, and merc/alch whispers). You would follow the general rules I outlined above for new king)

Example: Drunk becomes king. They now have both king day abilities, “Guards!” and “Debauchery.” They do not have allies, as the evil king would know their allies.

Second king suggestion (not related to previous):

If an evil becomes king (not start out), they meet with the evil at night. very simple.

I have actually thought about something similar to your first suggestion before - it sure would motivate Prince players to go hard for the throne! I am sure certain kings would be overpowered and some would be redundant (wouldnt a physician turned king have no reason to use guards when he has heal that’s infinite?)

As for the second suggestion…

I mean. First day people argue and bandwagon to select a king? That just… doesn’t sound good at all. If anything… I guess it’d get people to talk day 1? shrugs

I also don’t think the devs designed the game around the king being faction revealed N1 (evil king would be broken if he joined the cult/unseen table at night I feel)

no unseen start out as royals, so it is unlikely they will get king