Chaos Town FM Town wins!

Find it yet?

Yeah. I’ll quote it.



He did defend me which I found odd too. I feel there are very few townlocks right now and me and Magnus are not it.

@James can you finish what I replied to once you get some time.

Who is

In my opinion: You, Hja and Geyde.

Dont include yourself in townlocks list hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :thinking:

You = Dat

I meant you, Possessed, why didnt you include yourself in a townlocks list if you know yourself your a townlock based on your card. Unless you arent town

Its weird to include yourself in a Townlock list. Obviously I know my alignment.

I brought up that point before for Magnus: Why include yourself on a list? It reads like you are trying too hard IMO

@Emilia hey what are ya thinking game wise?


well are you still not reading or have you done it yet?

I have

fm wdwjjo;dasfpoidopjdwopdw

I dont speak rng

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do you have reads