Chaos Town FM Town wins!

/vote Minho @Kirefitten

Hi! (Going to bed in 2 minutes, so canā€™t chat)

/vote Minho @Kirefitten



@Minho Chat with us when you wake up if you can, but donā€™t force a quickhammer. Thatā€™s sketchy if you ask me.

Vote Count Bot Activated

Minho-Htm Magnus Isaac Possessed Hjaisk Minho-6/6

HAMMER! Minho has been lynched! Flavor post coming soon to a place near you! No more talking

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D2 Flavor Post

Firekitten:I feel so bad for Jamesā€¦heā€™s so lonely in there. All he can do is send letters he canā€™t even make money. Time to get to work logs onto computer

Picture of me logging on

Firekitten:Letā€™s see I have a new emailā€¦wait I actually have a 100. The Flip? I just checked it yesterday when I was in work unless this is all spam messages. Letā€™s see what they areā€¦

Geyde:Send firesol to jail or we will riot.
Htm, Minho, Magnus, Isaac, Possessed, H_Hjiaks:Send Minho to jail or we will riot.

Firekitten:This isnā€™t good I should contact nuke. Speed dials nuclearburrito sir the citizens are rioting again. They just sent me a bunch of emails on people they suspect to be a member of the mafia and they expect us to jail them without any proof. Iā€™m not kidding a guy literally thinks he himself is a member of the mafia what has this world come to.

Nuclearburrito:Firekitten, what do you think my answer to this problem will be?

Firekitten:Be a good officer and try to get the citizens to calm down and to accept the mafia with loving arms?

Nuclearburrito:Of course not! We will jail who they want to be jailed. Who do they want jailed?

Firekitten:Minho but sir

Nuclearburrito:On it will arrest him shortly.


Nuclearburrito:Minho you are under arrest for being suspected as a member of the mafia. You have the right to remain silent anything you say and do can and will be used against you in the court of law. What do you have in your pocket? Oh a phone? Iā€™m going to confiscate your phone for reasons. Throws phone to firekitten. I need you to look through this phone for all itā€™s contacts. If they are a member of the mafia knowing who they contact would be vital in bringing them down.

Firekitten:Okay nuke. Starts scrolling through contacts. Sir I donā€™t see any mafia contacts or anyone that is suspicious. However I do see a lot of people they have labeled as Date 1, Date 2, Ect. Hmm they must be an escort then. At least James wonā€™t be lonely anymore.

Minho was thrown in jail. They were the Escort. D2 ends and N2 starts. This will end in 24 hours.

Night will be extended until @NuclearBurrito comes online.

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The night is over and the day has begun! It will end in 48 hours. Majority is 6 votes. The status of arrested players has not changed.

Now accepting a backup to replace @cupcakeaj2

Cupcake isnā€™t a dangerous imprison if he/she is scum btw

It would be better to imprison Cupcake if Cupcake is scum.

But why would we imprison them, that would suck to backup and be insta imprisoned. If they dont get filled soon maybe, but for now we leave that slot alone

Can I get some logs htm?

Just outting the info I learned last night.

Doesnā€™t mean we should imprison him/her.

I donā€™t want to out my info.

but I could tell you what Cupcake is.

@James - Attorney
@Minho - Escort
day started

Why did Minho lie about not being Escort :thinking:

Well sure, and who did u check the night before?

Idk it was weird and then jailing themselves was weird