Chaos Town FM Town wins!

/ITA cupcake.
Im dayvig immune, but not ITA!

Hit! They are Immune

I fail to see how you being dayvig immune makes cupcake any more vulnerable to an ITA

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/Ita cupcake?

Hit! Still immune

Double Ita! Double da power!

/ITA Geyde

I’m fed up with this world

Hit! Geyde is immune


/NUCLEAR ITA Geyde I’ve got you.


It’s nuclear. How do you miss the explosion?

it’s a very big planet

I’m amazed you’ve hit every shot up until now

Is my gun made of plaster or something?
Is that why everyone is immune?

/shoot the neighbor’s window

Hit! You now have a 3,000$ fine for breaking their antique vase and also breaking their window. You monster

I can’t pay that.
Guess I’m getting imprisoned. dansgame

Also +1 rupee

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