Chaos Town FM Town wins!

you haev a 0.001 chance of getting in

Hammer time?


/vote possessed
@NuclearBurrito @Kirefitten

No Please i want to be added.

Daaaaaamn it.




@Possessed has been jailed. The day has ended and the ni-

whispering in the background

-wait what

More whispers

Ok apparently all of the mafia have been jailed. So I’ma just transfer the mafia from the completely wooden jail cells to our more secure one and let the town member’s go

10 minutes later

Oh noes! I tripped and dropped my lighter, setting the entire building on fire and Killing everyone inside. Totally most definitely an accident that I 100% did not do on purpose. Because as we all know murder is wrong, and it isn’t murder if it’s just an accident.

More whispers

What do you mean it’s just 3rd degree murder?

Even more whispers

Ugg. Who cares, just blame it on firekitten or something.

Anyways Town wins unless you happen to be one of the people who mysteriously died in a fire that totally wasn’t my fault.

Game Results

were the mafia and have lost

@Isaac_Gonzalez was the traitor and also lost

@fireslol and @James were unable to get the town’s trust and thus died in a fire lost

Congradulations to the rest of the Town. You have all won!

Spread sheet:


@Magnus If you have something to say then now is the time. You reserved your right for this very moment

My action that helped town the most was not jailing anyone.

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Lol Isaac claiming rbed everytime he forgot to action lol

Yeah basically no one did anything ffs

I tried my hardest

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pretty normal

Just straight up stole my role lol

I didnt I was rbd that night

Wait who switched us. Let me reread that doc

I used thief on you and didnt get notification about my role change

Thanks for covering up the fire thing, it was my bad I was trying out flame thrower and it accidentally lit the prison on fire