Chaos Town FM Town wins!

Vote Count Bot Activated

Minho-James Magnus-2/7
James-Isaac Datbird Wazza-3/7
Magnus-Htm Possessed Geyde-3/7

Day Ends when this timer reaches 0.

Not counting the ones I wasn’t pinged in

Actually day already ended. Stop talking

Firekitten insisted on doing the flavor soo:

Firekitten:”Alright Sergeant Nuke there are a bunch of riots happening right now. Many citizens are very angry that there is mafia in our town and we aren’t doing anything about it. What should we do”

Nuclearburrito:”Alright I have the perfect solution. We arrest a random guy that everyone is highly suspicious of and put them in jail.”

Firekitten:”But isn’t that illegal? As well as being immoral to arrest a guy with little to no evidence. After all they may have a job”

Nuclearburrito:”It’s only immoral and illegal if people find out about it. After all, we can just spin the story to make this guy look like an obvious mafia. People will then calm down now that they think we are saving them and we keep earning money.”

Firekitten:”I don’t think that’s right, wouldn’t they be bored? They have families and stuff and could be an innocent”

Nuclearburrito:”Nonsense, if you are really worried about this we will allow them to send letters to the other people in town as much as they want. They will be stuck in prison though. Who are the town’s people suspecting anyway?”

Firekitten:”They are suspecting James sir. Do you want me to arrest him?”

Nuclearburrito:”I’ll do it.”

Ten minutes later

Nuclearburrito:”You are under arrest James in regards to being a mafia member. We had numerous reports of witness saying that you have been working with the mafia. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.

Crowd:Cheering that the police are doing their job.

Nuclearburrito:Whispers to firekitten while walking by him to get to the police car “told you it would work”

Firekitten:”Nuke he dropped something. Oh wait, he dropped a suitcase. This is ironic in its finest.”

James was lynched. He was a Attorney. Night starts and ends in 24 hours.

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The Day has begun and will end in 48 hours. Majority is 6 votes. The status of arrested players has not changed.

Role switch :frowning:

D2 Flavor Post

Firekitten:hmm…everything seems alright in this town. No one seems to be violating the new curfew laws we set up. I went into the houses of everyone and checked in and I see no deaths…good that means the mafia haven’t gotten weapons yet. I still feel like I forgotten something…no I checked the prison and James is still in there. OH I remember now. takes out self phone and speed dials nuclearburrito. Sir, I was thinking about yesterday and I don’t think we should keep arresting people. I mean the mafia don’t seem to be into harming people and I kind of feel like the towns people are just being idiots like usual with their riots. Are you really sure this is necessary?

Nuclearburrito:Of course it’s necessary. If we didn’t arrest people who are suspected of being mafia the citizens would revolt and we would likely not be paid. Besides why do you care? You are getting paid I don’t really see the problem.

Firekitten:It’s just that I find it quite immora-

Nuclearburrito:Ah that’s the problem. I’ll give you a raise in your pay if only you stop complaining about this.


Also they might find their guns! Eventually… give them a few years I’m sure it will happen

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As long as I get paid my daily fish.

/vote FK

We need to save the fish population!


/vote Minho @Kirefitten lets say this is the better play today trust me

Detective please out your check (if you decided to actually use it)

/vote Magnus

Magnus imo is obvi scum. Possibly with James, but James was likely mislunched by Magnus.

Well a detective has two checks that they could potentially do, one where they check a nonjailed player and get their role, and one where they check a jailed player once per game and get their allignment

Trust me this is not the right lynch

The actually useful check

Why do you think so?

I know so because of my role

screw it I checked his role and hes agent

Can’t Agent be scum too?