Chaos Town FM Town wins!

Plus I have some great news Minho is confirmed scum, and I didn’t get rbed last night so maybe Fireslol was the Traitor

That opens a lot of doors.

So with that knowledge I think /vote Possessed is the best option

does this mean I can be let into the sunlight?

Like yes and no… I think you are town, but I think your class and escape artist were the only two ways of getting people out of jail, I said previously I would try and get you out, but without those two roles I dont think we can

Suppose so.
/vote Possessed @Firekitten.

not escape artist, lockpick i meant

I’m lockpicker. You could switch me and his roles.

Vote Count

Possessed-Magnus Datbird-2/5

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but im not a switcher so…

wait James has a vote?


No, why are you being delusional all of a sudden.

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because someone changed what they wrote :frowning:

Seems like a you problem rather then a me problem

He changed the majority number.

shit u right

I say we switch me and James’s roles, so we get attorney out.

guess wed need the anarchist and I dont even know if they can target the imprisoned

no they cant but thief can