Chaos Town FM Town wins!

It’s my read sinking harder than the Titanic



Who in your mind is speaking needless talk

What makes you sus of Geyde?

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Day Ends when this timer reaches 0.

I reckon it’s simply the fact that Geyde is pushing around, but it isn’t enough to vote him.

Thunderdoming Magnus rn

Currently, my scum list is:

Not sure who the third is, but i feel it’s Possessed.

with who?

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Isn’t that what Geyde does? I’d love for someone with more knowledge than me give a good Geyde read.

My scum detectors are off the charts

Im gonna quote you on that.

Read me up on the other two, Geyde. I’d love to pick your brain.

Recommend that you never meta read me. It’s a vast abyss of memes and despair.

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That’s exactly why I won’t attempt it haha

Well, am I right? What if all you there are mafia?
But who’s the traitor…?
Isaac would you like to shed some light?

Magnus soft defends Minho but has them in scum pretty quick.
Cupcake read as scum at this point makes no sense.

Scumblock feels manufactured


Its hard to meta read you, but there is a bit of tone you can pick up between ur games. And the tone is pushing towards one side atm


Look at the playerlist before you make any conclusions.

I think you’ll understand my shits given