Chaos Town FM Town wins!

then why are you on top if its not in order. Wouldnt it be presumed your town if you were making a reads list

@Geyde this just gets better and better

Alright back for a bit before wife forces me to go to bed. Let me find some things I can read.

Well I gotta get off so I give ā€œsensible townā€ hat to you Possessed

Possessed is maf.

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Am I not allowed to get busy :thinking:

I will go and read everything now.

Usually town Isaac says this.

He said it in Town vs Bandits and he was town.

This comes off a bit like a bait to draw attention off of Mafia. I think if Magnus is anything, heā€™s a traitor.

That cemented it for me. Does Traitor not get checked as town?

Yeah, I wouldnā€™t ever recommend anyone do this in this sort of format. D1 HC in this format just seems damning.

I feel like this kind of came out of left field. Though Iā€™m sold on Magnus, Dat is one of my townreads right now. Can you expand on the Dat vote? Dat is also pushing Isaac so Iā€™m not quite sure they are scum team.

This is faulty logic. You canā€™t assume someone pushing another person or two is on the same scum team.

Glad im not the only one who noticed. Its troubling.

I stopped there. You have yourself on a list of town? Whether you are or not is irrelevant, but it reads like ā€œYeah guys Iā€™m the towniest townies here,ā€ā€¦and Iā€™ve got you pinpointed as Traitor based on your posts.

Thanks for the Townlock.

Anywho, my confirmed mafia is James. Minho hasnā€™t been using much logic and I donā€™t know if we can trust an open Escort claim, so Iā€™m putting him as likely mafia. Magnus is 100% traitor based on his soft slips. Isaac is null for me right now, however I did not his LESS memey approach to this game.

I heavily feel Dat and Geyde are town here. I hate to bandwagon on a lot of what you both say, but as I improve my reads I can finally see what others more advanced see.

I need to see more from Fireslol and a few other lurkers. I think we got a bad case of it right now.

I wouldnā€™t immediately read Minho as scum (even though they have been acting scummy)

They are new, when I was new I wasnā€™t very townie to say the least.

Thatā€™s one of my dilemmas right now. Is he scum or is he just woefully ignorant because heā€™s new?

Not liking Dat either.

Earlier his posts seemed ā€œoddā€

And now his posts seem unusually contributive.


Ok so any responses to my posts will have to wait until the morning. Its 11 pm here and I need sleep.

Did my vote not go through? You guys try and find more confirmed mafia though and ill try and figure it out later.

/Vote James


Too townie to be Town is not a valid point.

Apologies, but what planet do you have the reads you are showing here with any shred of logic

Completely agree here

Thatā€™s not what I mean.

I felt a shift of unnatural ā€œtoneā€.

Heavily pushing to be checked seems like a play Godfathers would make and Magnus is the type to heavily soft everything

She! Check profile!

Heā€™s very solvey.
Where is this shift of tone?

We caught multiple scum and heā€™s acting accordingly.