Chaos Town FM Town wins!

Sorry dont answer that

Htm/James/??? scumteam in my opinion.

HTM decided to push the wagon to me to save his friend James.

I didnā€™t even vote you. How am I trying to push the wagon?

Iā€™m sticking to my Magnus vote today.

Traitor isnā€™t that important imo, Mafia are more important.

Nevermind, you are clearly traitor.

You are trying to shift that I am Traitor on to me.

/vote James @Kirefitten

Why would I do that as traitor when no one was reading me as traitor?

This logic is bad imo.

I think youā€™re partially right here, but you got one scum wrong. Htm DID conveniently start pushing you when we brought the Townlock in question. I believe my theory that Magnusā€™ has been taking advantage of a new player and throwing them to the wolves by townfirming them looks better for James.

In my eyes, Magnus is scumlocked and his behavioral patterns can be used to piece together his entire scum team.

At this point, his scum team needs to find a way to distance themselves and find a way to get townconfirmed. Keep on the look out for this.

4(ish) hours remaining in the day

Just in case im not around in the next 4 hours:

/vote Magnus


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/vote fireslol
Reason his ISO

Vote Count Bot Activated

Minho-James Magnus-2/7
James-Geyde Isaac Datbird Wazza-4/7
Magnus-Htm Possessed-2/7

Day Ends when this timer reaches 0.

Not counting the ones I wasnā€™t pinged in

His 2 posts? I would understand the lurking logic more than reading scum off his 2 posts. I read the latest one as being pretty genuine.

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I agree.

To me he seems null.

Cuz itā€™s excuse to lurking wich doesnā€™t happen in his town game

@Wazza you never answered this question.

Iā€™m sorry, 3. His first 2 posts read pretty genuinely. His 3rd just seems like he lacked the time to read any of what was posted before he came in. He picked up tidbits of conversation.

I agree its not helping us in town, but it doesnā€™t read inherently scummy to me.

Youā€™re htm, you always go big or go home