Chaos Town FM Town wins!


I’m dumb:

yeah thats kinda why i dont want a magnus lynch til we have at least what we think three other scum


Too scary.

It also explains why he was so fine with being jailed, plus it could point to a magnus james team even more since he knew James could get him out

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I was considering the idea that Magnus’ fed him to the wolves D1. Nobody went back on the vote on Magnus which I’m a little upset at. I think if James gets checked, I’d check him afterwards.

I rethought things during the night.
It’s weird that Magnus/James have been acting in sync and that Magnus has blatantly refused to reevaluate, but isn’t that more likely to flip town since they kept going with it?

Maybe that’s why Magnus was acting super scummy.

To possibly get lynched.

Technically it’s impossibly to flip town no matter who get’s imprisoned

htm/Isaac/someoneelse final answer

exactly. So we just need to find his other scum mate plus traitor. Was anyone rbed knowingly?

Mafia speech

Why Isaac? I don’t think he read particularly scummy.

Vote Count Bot Activated


Day Ends when this timer reaches 0.

Not counting the ones I wasn’t pinged in

That’s the problem.
He’s Isaac when he’s town. He’s not acting like Isaac.

Apparently he hasn’t been acting “Isaacy”

Though I do townread him.

Whats your opinion on Hjasik, she didnt see to play normally until people called her out on it


I’m still null on him. Definitely not enough for me to vote him over Magnus.