Chaos Town FM Town wins!

Neutrals should be in every game since they are the only thing keeping any social deduction game from being boring and unfun.

Eh I wouldnā€™t go THAT farā€¦

My plans are ruined.

I concede

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Brawl is the best game in the series and Melee is overrated because tryhards canā€™t understand fun

Itā€™s rewind time

Jet fuel melts steel memes

Project M is better than both games

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It is

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Crime detected.

Lies. The twin meme towers were destroyed by controlled demolition

They shot each other
There was no explosion

The bullets were explosive

Or more specifically the guns firing them

That was because of mirrors, not explosions

nonono. The mirrors were there in a conspiracy to make everyone think they shot themselves instead of each other.

Might have been the smoke machine set up by the aliens

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Or maybe thatā€™s just what they WANT us to think?

Iā€™m guessing this is a false flag operation being preformed by the mafia in order to make us THINK the aliens are bad.

If we are able to arrest them then we can interrogate them to be sure. Otherwise I fear they will spark conflict with the aliens which may lead to the destruction of chaos town itself!

Is that capital punishment worthy?

Donā€™t be foolish! We need them alive or else we canā€™t be sure that the aliens arenā€™t the true enemies! (in which case the mafia would still be arrested for being mafia)

i SENSE an incoming DLC!

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