Chaos Town FM Town wins!

That’s kind of obvious, no?

Poss has been accusing Minho though.

I’d say Minho is traitor no matter what though.

If I had to put a role on Minho, I’d actually agree with traitor.

Did he?

Imprisoned players can’t vote.

I could have sworn I put that in the OP. I will do so now


Sorry James

By all means you can push me though :stuck_out_tongue:

Its very clear James and Magnus are communicating in some way, since Magnus mentioned James was in school. Are you both in scum chat? Are you coaching him to push me?

Good catch.

I believe Hjasik has been proven trustworthy, atleast enough to get out of jail. I understand that town would’ve spent all day voting her, but Day 1 lynches rarely have evidence and work off gut feelings.

Htm has been pretty good so far, enough to prove not mafia. I would certainly free him from prison unless asked not to.

Yeah, I would guarantee freeing you now, knowing you’re town investigative. I would stick to your vote and defend you.

I wouldn’t free Isaac. He’s difficult to read and seems to radiate a scum aura. Even If he is town, he seems determined to screw town over.

Yesterday, I wouldn’t have. Today I will, unless asked not to.

Certainly not. He’s had 3 posts all game.

I wouldn’t free Cupcake until late game, if they became active.

I would free both of these, Wazza maybe not if new evidence came to light proving he’s scum or If i was told not to.

Wouldn’t free either.

Just saying.

Pretty good. Dat what do you say?

Can you go a little more in depth on Wazza and

these two

Its a great improvement but I want to see why on those last three

James ******* town

So waz, poss, Minho?
I’d free waz, if I was attorney.

Free that lad immediately
Radiates big town energy


Don’t free Waz pls.

why what makes you say that?