Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

how do I explain reads


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ok so u use gut right?

‘this post was written by a villager’

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I feel like one of two things happens when I try

  1. its mostly just gut/I can’t put into words the read abd
  2. I give a reason but just get told its bad//not enough

so then I try to make a case on them and people tell me im just looking for reasons their scummy because I kind of am because I feel like I have to basically make up reasons at that point

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Explain how they make you feel.

basically how i go about it, is i read thread and if u get that feeling someone is scum, u basically grab that post and u right it feels off, u can either post that and try to bring discussion towards it, or try to go a deep dive a write a sentence or two on why that post feels weird to you. Usually u can talk about many things.

Sometimes explaining (through how you feel) helps you find a logical ground for which your read actually holds true.

a good start might be pointing out specifically which posts give you a bad gut feeling

like how they make u feel, the tone, the thread pressence, if it interacts weird with other posts they made or other posts other players made. Theres like a lot of avenues you can explore and just do that on like any post that feels weird to ya.

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Iv tried to do this

I just get told to explain why and ignored so I give up

I think part of the issue is when my reads are correct its really easy for scum to discredit them because the reasoning to most people with brains that arent mine is bad

even just grabbing a quote and seeing if anyone else gets the same bad vibe from it is a start, like i think a large issue with ur GUT reads is theres nothing to chew, theres not a post or something that can originate from u usually just state X is bad. So like if thats coming from a post a set of post a interaction. Grab that shit

I also just despise doing ISOs

like I can do a couple posts then I hit a wall where my brain just refuses to read anything critically anymore

I legit cant force myself to do them most of the time because my brain just says


  1. Explain which posts make you feel this way

  2. I am a firm believer that GUTREADS can be explained and justified. It might not seem as you have the words, but I do believe feelings can be put in words. You can probably explain why “a post feels off” and probably link it to a “reason why the post is off”. Like for example (very simple example): “Napoleon’s posts feels forced in that they are trying to appear too casual. I think this is an uncomfortable wolf trying to appear very casual in thread.”

  3. Often, if you can explain your gutreads, they will turn into much more solid reads, with actual logic to back it up. At least in my experience, that’s what I’ve found.


I think gutreads can be converted into more solid reads. All you gotta do is force yourself to explain it in whatever way possible.

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i think isos have become to a point where everyone tries and do the like whole persons posts and the thing is. Grab ur argument grab ur points, dont grab all the filler. Genurally people dont read anything more than 1 screen worth and if they say they do they are either bsing or have too much time on their hands. Like cut the content grab the meat present the meat. The iso doesnt have to be an encompassing 400+ post analysis make it a good 3 to 10


And this doesn’t mean trying to justify your read by adding other evidence (that would be confirmation bias).

Basically tldr: grab posts that make u say GUT and try to pinpoint why it makes u say gut, and if that doesnt work, start a convo about that post.

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Is this like a good.tip

slot that doesnt want to play is a bigger issue