Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Gimme a sec.


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force every player to take the above quizzes and get a 100% before they can /in on games


I wouldn’t actually take these quizzes that seriously though.

Through I would definitely say there is some AI content in the posts given, a lot of it can be NAI and being forced to rely on one post to make a strong read isn’t that easy to do.


would anyone want to play a slow-ish phases 9p on mc

thanks anon

It helps improve micro reading but doesn’t do much for macro reading players

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i like tis

23 out of 50 correct answers


Apparently I once did the quiz in the past.
25/50 and 8/20
I didn’t expect anything else from me.
Good job, past me.

Everyone needs to have fun. Improving is important, but secondary.

most players should be able to do both at once :wink:


At some point I’d argue an individual player “having fun” at the expense of everyone else due to not trying is overall going to make a lot more people feel worse than whatever value there is in the one player’s fun

idk if we’ve often gone that far here but it’s not as easy as “individual fun is the most important” because it is a multiplayer game and people put lots of time into hosting and playing it

There does need to be balance in terms of respecting their time and commitment as well

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27/50 and 10/20. Kinda interesting how I got almost only the final half correct on the 2nd one.

Everyone gets =rand on these, dont fool yourselves, results are meaningless.


Why are so many game theory posts

How are we supposed to determine someone’s alignment via someone explaining a concept of when to post

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Yeah it’s kinda random sometimes :^

25/50 on first one and 5/20 on second one, lul.

But it doesn’t really exactly tells you anything at all .-.

Did you just answer town for every single one in the first one and cuz 50% are town u got 25 exactly?

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