Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

This post was written by a villager

My gut says this is wolf

there is a difference between playing badly and being scum

obviously it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference (e.g. executing townies because they softdefended a wolf for thin reasons)

but lots of examples of playing badly are not scum-AI


a.k.a.: the D2 Derps execution was an atrocity and you can fight me

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lol you played badly by dying n1 :upside_down_face:


We should have a cooling off period

If a game just ended
Take 24h to think about what happened and what could have gone better, before posting here

A recent win or loss always clouds our judgement

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I agree with this

the same players always get yeeted

some people just

don’t get yeeted

No problem if you want to use my stuff

I will say though
I think there is no inherent advantage in doing this
It’s preaching to a choir
The rest listening is a crapshoot because practical experience is best teacher in fm

Disparity between players on this forum is particularly large

i enjoy writing it and i was intending on publishing it on MU

I think i’ve been exed on this site like… 3 times ever?

italy has been exed like 20

lots of yeets are on players who can not or do not adequately defend themselves

and so it is much easier to just yeet them and often what happens

so like

I think there’s an extent to which that’s somewhat inevitable – if someone never tries, they’re never going to escape the PoE, so they’ll be cuddled a lot


I also think there are definitely executions that are worse than just ‘cuddle the LHFy people’

Knock yourself out

“Try harder to read these people”

but also

there are players that almost never get yeet
and players that also get yeet

that is a problem (but not one that’s easily fixable)

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You can get creative, can you not?

Here’s how you jettison people who are not easy to jettison:

Get them out of their comfort zone

Vibe check em

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