Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Haha town bad
They had wrong reads

Give me likes for this pretentious and mocking post



There is a super important issue in FM. People are doing [x]. And [x] is LITERALLY GAME LOSING. Please stop doing [x]. Yes I had [x] done to me in a game that ended 3 minutes ago but it’s a pattern across games really. Doing [x] is so STUPID, so LOW IQ, that you would have to have been BEAT OVER THE HEAD BY A BASEBALL BAT to even CONSIDER doing [x]. Honestly, [x] should be considered gamethrowing. It’s common sense not to do [x]. People who do [x] are SO DUMB and need to be helped and just have some encouragement to help them be less STUPID. Again i’m not calling anyone or any specific game out, it’s a general problem that needs to be fixed.

If you have ever done [x], feel bad. That’s right, look yourself in the mirror and realize how worthless you are. And now the only way you can’t be worthless is by stopping doing [x] and personally apologize to all effected by [x]


How to play as v:



Thread title has been renamed to more accurately represent the content. I hope this does not inconvenience you.


All my complaining has gotten marshal to change his opinion

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Was Wild West FM that bad that we needed to change the title of our thread to improve townplay?

no, people were just saying how this thread doesn’t help because no one actually takes any lessons away from it

which is an issue with the people not the thread imo but

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Tbh, with Purgatory an SFoL63, Wild West isn’t an isolated case.

Purgatory was wtf.

“This guy hard pushed a town and defended both flipped wolves. Obviously they are town”

Imagine learning from past games

Tbh we need a gametips thread that doesn’t get memed to hell or flooded

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The people who need to read it, won’t

Someone should probably make a thread where they just post what town has learned/needs to improve on after each new FM that ends.

Meanwhile, Zone:
“Nah, I’m good with being worthless.”

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Don’t play FoL

Literally never make a single mislynch. How could you be so foolish as to kill a villager and expect to win

Or play the game. Wolves controlled FoL30 because half of the villagers didn’t bother playing until mid-d2 and a two-three of them didn’t bother playing at all.


oh I didn’t read it at all

but losing with only 1 ML is still big feelsbad


Setup design is my passion



the fact that FoL is a setup

I barely specced because I knew that weird momentum-based swingy shit would happen and it wouldn’t be fun

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