Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

if you count LoTRFM (he was modkilled) he won

but his play there was uh… less then stellar


FoL 23

SFoL 51

EFoL 3

If he was scum in SCP FM, then that could never possibly be topped
But idk what he was there

Vanilla Nightless

@DatBird what were you in SCP FM

DatBird gets some slack there because I think he’s legimately trying really hard not to be obviously out-of-meta as scum

he’s just not succeeding

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it’s also the case IMO that there could never physically possibly be a better individual scum performance than Boss in SCP FM

yeah that’s fair

emilia on the other hand :eyes:


She’s locktown :sunglasses:

fwiw “overreliance on claims and mechsolving” is DEFINITELY VALID and not something to ignore


tbf that didn’t work for me in JK9 even though it arguably should have lmao

and by that I mean every single player in a position to metaread me town did

The problem is I should have chosen a different target demographic

Especially if eevee was gonna scumread me anyways

Live and learn :stuck_out_tongue:

cloned scumread you d1
but i forgot why

I’ve learned he does that all the time

I even said as-much in game

Also i disagree with your take that you weren’t attempting to deathtunnel LHF’s into the ground D1 just like you did in Dangan.

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:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: and Society were both absolutely LHF’s day 1

And you attempted to deathtunnel them.

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not even close

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Once I meta you, that might change

But currently I see that as a scumtell.