Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

10 minute day
3 minute night
discuss for turbo

I just want to try it :,(

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i don’t mind longer games if they’re higher quality

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You live your truth EVO

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try it if you want

just be aware of the effects



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That post is a joke

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I audibly laughed


You know what, I will get trashed on no matter my meta, I might as well have fun

This is a very bad mindset and will make everyone hate you I promise


FPS Risk > FPS Reward

im ok with that

depends on what FPS you are doing

FPS is fun
Do you need any other reasons



you will ruin the fun for everyone else with that mindset as I seen other people have that mindset before and do the same thing


Its like

9 times out of 10 either too obvious or just flat out won’t work

well gutreads are popular rn so people obvi dont care about efficiency :eyes:

but clearly my medium FPS makes sense i was baiting nightkills cause im a witch doctor

haha i pranked you im actually an enchanter

hey enchanters are a good ritual btw

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Getting good at FPS is a smart thing to do

Since while some might tolerate you claiming scum when in MyLo, others probably won’t


an example of FPS hell is mountainous 15’er

where i basically faked a scumread for like 3 days to make the dream final 5 scenario
fucked it up
and town won anyways