Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

You must be stopped

What are y’all on about FPS works great as scum

how kat got away with that shit in rm4

i will never know

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omg but the beauty of a double-double-double etc. bluff is too much

you faked it so hard i actually believed it

at first i believed you didn’t actually SR me anymore

but sciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencesciencescience

and i was like

“wait hes serious”

But you’re not allowed to post as scum

the funny thing is

the only way tan possibly wins there
is if she killed you

the other issue with FPSing a lot is that if you do it too much, people assume that anything you do is an FPS

like how I basically assume that roleclaims from Marshal are fake until he’s claimed at least once

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if i was literally anybody else it’d be openwolfing

but i play just dumb enough to maybe get away with it

Btw @katze I’m demon


but that is chaotic play, and we have too much of that rn. I’ll 100% do FPS once we level back out

How about your best one

Claim red check on Arete as Priest

Arete and you = Town

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Arete visited Derps last night

I am a Lookout they are not Sheriff

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Also, don’t be afraid to use reputation to your advantage. I claim bullet proof when I’m bullet proof because people won’t believe me


lmfao Inquisitor–>Marshal all on Day 1,–>Died as Nightwatch

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that was a bad FPS and done for bad reasons

i do not stand by that at all.
I did have more reasons past “i scumread arete” because I basically confirmed that either arete killed derps, or katze killed derps

and 4/5 times, kat uses an action that isn’t a kill on derps.

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I wonder why

except that even in worlds where someone else did the nightkill

scum had mech info that I visited Squid


The good news is you just expect those from Marshal so you know where his head is

“Ah ok cool, so he’s NOT invest and he’s just pushing his scumread. Yeah lets disregard…”

i’d consider that a success

I stopped likely converts on a number of people
and if it weren’t for lolarbiter and lolderps

it would have worked out better

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