Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

tbh another random fix.

Stop fucking throwing games.


I know it’s not specifically happened in ages but actually play the game.

This is hypocritical but I’m sick of it, inactivity is an issue, each game should range for 2000+ messages for D1 at the least.

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I feel an urge to claim

you can typically tell if a game is inactive quite easily
for example, if you see the same people all the time despite way more people being alive


obviously yes, don’t throw the game
and yes, don’t be inactive

but about throwing
don’t be selfish
it’s actually bad for you as any alignment that isn’t neutral. do the thing that benefits your team as a whole instead of doing the thing that only benefits you
you can fix it by doing those things and more: working with others instead of pursuing exclusively your own reads and tunneling, trying to help solve the game while being pushed as a villager instead of AtEing and getting mad, not doing anything rash while town is about to lose the game regardless of how much you believe in your impulsive idea, etc., etc.
basically, think bigger-picture at all times
unless you’re a neutral in which case all you think about is how to advance your agenda without dying (in most cases)
but if you’re town or groupscum, try to benefit your entire team instead of just yourself
that’s how you win games
not by hero shooting people or tunneling
that works super rarely and if it does work it’s more frequently because of luck rather than anything else


selfish play really is tantamount to throwing in some cases and the idea that “you must always keep yourself alive, kicking and prioritized” should die
even if you are a PR, it’s your team that has to win and you must work with it instead of rejecting everyone and doing your own thing with generally small chances of success
there’s a ton of ways it manifests and i could point them out as specific examples but i feel like that would be a bit much
if somebody wants me to, i will

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Also some stuff about conversion games: often it is more useful to keep known evils alive, and to kill evils in a specific order. Do not kill the convert, if it opens up conversion slot. Do not kill the Mastermind, before you have killed the Assassin. You are just opening the conversion slot AND give Unseen another Mastermind for no reason. It is often way more useful to nightkill Unseen than to daykill them, since you are not opening the conversion slot for this night, and on the same time you are confirming multiple BD.

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that is a known issue with conversion yes


This sort of thing is why I don’t like FoL.


@DatBird has something to say about that one

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Always kill known evil. They fuck up nightplans very easily.

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claim = town

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FoL, while basically being our main thing and what this site was about, is basically a boring gamemode we repeat over and over again.

Tbh I like mash up games without conversion.

Oh my lord the amount of lies being spewed her is ridiculous you must’ve regurgitated that up from out-of-date hip replacement surgery

the number of times such ridiculous shit actually works is way too low to justify doing it in most cases


skill lynches only
if a player isn’t gamer enough, they’re fodder


this was hard to read.

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tbh most of the games recently have just been social deduction and people clearing people for no reason.
See RM4 where all scum were townread D1.

This is usually scum AI from my experience, the tunneling without any big-picture effort

unfortunately not really
at least not here