Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Mech obviously significantly helped but we did a bunch of things right, as well, like, most of the villagers were obvious villagers, I’d be pushing Italy D2 even without mech, we did a pretty good job of working together as a village, etc.

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you were a neut :^)

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randomizer was an inside job to give town false confidence

you’re welcome

back to crying


you always push this phrase above all others but it seems pretty undefinable to me tbh

ISO’s will always be more consistent

I mean

In some cases I was skimming their full Iso to come to the conclusion that they were obvious villagers

just because I wasn’t going through and quoting specific posts doesn’t mean I wasn’t Isoing them

thats generally what reads are, isos/ readin the thread. U dont always need to iso to get a read, as isos are either compliments to a read, or the basis for one if there is nothing to point to in a main read of thread

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like they arent needed, but can be appreciated if used well.

Its like meta, you can build a read off it, you can check it to further push a read, or u just dont need it

My main point was that the phrase “be villagery as a villager” is a pretty vague and undefinable command, in my honest opinion.

there are probably less vague ways to communicate what arete is trying to get across with that phrase.

its mainly just doing things that are normal that people can get reads off you, tone, reads, contributions pushes. All of it can be AI and the more you have the better. Thats why i really never liked the idea of stop posting so much as it clutters isos. If u came to the point where someone is spamming thread with content or lack there of and u havent got anything AI either your reading wrong, or something is up with them. Thus u push them.

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‘play in such a manner that other players will successfully be able to identify that you are a villager and remove you from the PoE’

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Mountanous time

no way looks like following these principles leads to village performing better :open_mouth:
for real though good job guys i’m glad you decided to follow this

@Marshal especially you. i saw how you applied this and it allowed you to do a significantly better job clearing the correct people
i had an actual village read on you for the first time ever and you were indeed a villager so great job


Tbh, in that match Derps could have just bleed someone in the PoE.

Bleeding someone and then healing them for confirmation is dumb and claiming a bleed on a wolfy player would have been enough to clear them.

People still aren’t using KP ideally here.

He didn’t actually do either of those things (because he didn’t have a bleed)

He was FPSing to try to stop Marshal from being attacked

he didnt have bleed

it was a FPS

Oh, I didn’t realize that.

Hosts weren’t online during that FPS btw, so it was a giveaway.