Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹


Because a fan is better at FM than us

wait where else am I supposed to whine about town play



@Chloe why have you abandoned us in our time of need?

we made this space to praise you yet you have left us.

my faith is wavering where have you gone?


8 of the last 12 games on this site were not town wins. Looks like this site is getting better at town.
All of the town wins are fairly explainable. In Corrupt Votes FM, town won because of Arete and the power of corrupting votes (but to be fair, town were able to get all the other scum together). Shortnight is just extremely townsided overall. Newbie-Friendly Pokémon 9er had a newb scum, but it was actually quite deserved. Autumn Invitational was both invitational and oops all obvtown.

I will, yet again, contest that this did not have nearly as large of an impact as some people expected it would pre-game

i mean tbf for every townsided setup there are wolfsided ones

enemy within was like almost never going to end as a villa win

Lynch scum 3 days in a row
Still very close to loss, only not because eevee did a gamer

Eevee was a JOAT + 1-shot bulletproof CL. It gave him cover when he had to explain why Derps didn’t kill his slot.

having 1 noob scum was fair enough when half of the town were noobs as well

How did Town win Catgirl Jester Nightless? I’m legitimately shocked. Two people fell into the void.

the setup was 1:3 wolf:town ratio when the known balanced nightless EV is 1:2

aka the setup was townsided :joy_cat:

im pretty sure the exact EV is something like 50% town 33% jester 17% mafia iirc

quick hammering is +ev in that setup

also town god Ghana boxed in all the wolves

why are you posting about it in the chloe fan club

So the thread doesn’t get paywalled.

the day xblade paywalls the chloe fan club is the day america will die

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as we all know, chloe is a catgirl

marshal are you still crying in your box

in my defense
it was a Known Setup tm