Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

reversed even/odd tracker/watcher pairs were a pretty safe bet given the hosts I was dealing with
not always the best idea depending on how devious the host is with giving the wolves fakeclaim info

i dislike exploiting design tropes like that but y’know
sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do

My problem is I have such little faith in ppl even tho I recognized it was a super dumb claim I still thought it was possible and PKR was just an idiot.

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I think ToL not having quickhammers due to trials means alot of players from ToL arent used to that sort of thing.

Clearly we should all play like DybuDabu.

Scumreading people for not hyperposting is bad

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Or worse, be a villager facing mislynch and replacing out.

Where is this coming from?

This post about hyperposting

I still remember ToS 2. That D1 lynch didn’t need to happen the way it did.

ToS 2 is why I don’t like town fake claiming one bit. It makes you look scummier than it should. In other words, no just no.

The reason Alice died was because people are completely foreign to the idea of roleswaps. It’s not meta on this site.
I was internally dying when I saw her being lynched and thinking Marshal was town; he was so obviously pushing agenda.

Her roleswap was poorly executed but it wasn’t scummy
What was scummy was Marshal asking ‘What is roleswaps’ five minutes later being educated when they should occur
I have no idea how he managed to get away with that. LOL


I mean the moment when Marshal pushed me when I was Mayor, he was one of my lynch targets.

It was such anti-town play I wouldn’t have cared if Marshal was town at that point.

I was very close to making sure every game I play with Marshal ensured he was lynched D1 or night killed N1.

Good thing I knew better than to do that, I would have been blacklisted for doing that.

Nah, you’d just be quick-lynched for proposing policy lynches.

What is a roleswap

Only for inexperienced players. More experienced ones can easily identify a wolf’s FPS versus a villager’s FPS.

Wolves don’t seriously fakeclaim unique classes d1 like I did.