Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Just gonna put a “lets keep this civil and not have any blow up warning before anything happens” so yeah

Yeah I was Intentionally trying to be scummy but not too scummy to be lynched early, I needed to make sure to avoid NK thoug cuz 2 town and gen switch fucks town

All the other self resolving claims ended up fucking is tho

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honestly, every recent game now has over 10k posts

what the fuck, before it was like 5000 usually lol

Quarantine does this to people

I mean, I don’t think you’re a high priority NK target.

its like a mix of quarentine mixed with memes, and many people just trying to grab thread control

I mean if my reads were good (they were) and I was universally tr I could have ended up like Alice

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Makes sense for thread control, but a constant over 10k posts is nuts.

And with how much my death affected the game it wasn’t worth the risk

Imagine dying N1 instead of Alice

Can relate.

I’ll probabaly never die N1 here tho because I can’t push my reads well anyways

And I’m a decent myslynch target late game

to be fair eevee has far more success with conventionally dumb strategies than most other people

Iirc I only got once killed by scum, and when I asked for “why me”, he said he threw a dice.
That’s the good thing of being potential mislynch bait
(being shot by town killers, jail exed and mislynched is the negative side of it, but well, at least you get to play the game)

I wouldn’t exactly say I’m myslynch bait

But I’m not particularly hard to push a lynch on if needed


That’s because Eevee dosent usually do them just for lols their usually at least some sort of plan

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I mean yes sure but also there’s a level of experience that enables that to work out

Which build on theirs a plan

Basically Eevee generally has at least some sort of reason for doing what they do

Everyone has a reason for what they do. Problem is some of the reasons are shit.