Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Have replacements read through players’ posts before replacing in

This reminds me that reaction test craze needs to stop, as they are a universal excuse for any sort of bullshit now (RM4 is proof).

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The people who replace in are actually doing a great job most of the time

My idea for ghost hydra was this

A player who is at high-risk or foreseeably going to replace out is designated a ‘ghost hydra’. This differentiates from a normal hydra as the designated player isn’t allowed to talk in thread however they may talk in classcards. (They are not allowed to talk inside of scumchat either).
In the event of that player swapping out, the designated player swaps right back in for them.
This solves game state being changed absolutely massively (they were already sharing reads) AND it prevents quick-fire questions at replacements as the player was already informed.

Replacements is not a intrinsic problem. As a lot of people either get something irl or just get to stressed out. It’s a problem in that one person can change a game drastically. Essentially you cant punish players for a relative getting sick or hurt or school stress amplifying. What u can do is punish those that Get wolf and replace out. That’s like the only situation that is like easy enough to not judge.

The concept of reaction tests shifted towards something weird recently.

Yeah I feel like reaction tests are angleshooty

hyperposting is wolfsided


reaction tests should not be evidence to lynch in vast majoriy of situations
they are supplement rather than case itself

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This also allows players who can’t be on 24/7 but also want to share their thoughts to ‘play’ as well.
It also allows new players to have a taste of FM.
Check NUF FM. 7 spectators. Anstreim also has a fear of playing right now.
This could be a solution to that.

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and by that i don’t mean everyone should wallpost
by that i mean post restrictions should absolutely exist

be eevee

look at the majority of wolf wins where wolves didn’t coast
many times it was because the wolves
and POSTED AND POSTED AND POSTED all over the thread, making people wolfread them less because of effort and because reading all of their content was a giant hassle

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I think we need to ban image uploads

(If so, dont do less than 100 posts post restriction per ingame day per player tbh
If you make it less, the player freedom gets restricted pretty heavily)


when you’re a villager reading someone with a 1000+ post iso is beyond exhausting and people don’t do it and wolves get miscleared because they put in effort




Everyone:Here’s a normal suggestion that deals with the problem
Brax:Let’s ban images


They are fluff and don’t really contribute. If you are scum they only support your argument because you can just weaponize memes to win