Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

Aliceā€™s voting pattern was obvious scum. Voting pattern = win condition = slot alignment.

I donā€™t think even Alice can avoid having her voting pattern testify against her.

Iā€™m not going to pretend that differentiating agenda from tunnelling is an easy thing. Sometimes, it can be quite easy to distinguish pushes in bad faith from genuine pushesā€¦ it really depends on the reasons the pusher is using and how they present them. Itā€™s difficult to discuss in general terms, but I think Iā€™ve listed the primary differences between v/w reckless pushes.

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This is incorrect. Alice was 3p with no faction of her own. She had no TMI. Her voting pattern alone says nothing for that reason ā€“ she does not actually know who she is voting.

Of course, she would be inclined to vote out members of certain factions at certain times, because she needs to kill both factions. However, it is dependent on her reads and not on TMI, meaning that her voting pattern can be inaccurate (she could be voting people of the incorrect alignment by sheer accident).

Conclusion: while you can rely on it to some extent, it is not very accurate due to her being 3p.

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Consider how many other villagers exclusively voted town this game (or low-hanging fruit wolves anyone could vote with no pushback). Yeah. You could misread them based on that as well.

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Alice as ā€œconfirmed townā€ wasnā€™t dying in the day or night. That should have been a red flag she was being miscleared.

This is trueā€¦ partially. That doesnā€™t relate to her voting pattern, though.

In that specific game, it was incorrect too. Mafia never tried to kill her, because her reads were bad (on purpose, but still). You could theoretically claim that she was scum, but you could also make a case for her being town and alive (ā€œher reads are just bad this game and thatā€™s why sheā€™s aliveā€). I see where youā€™re coming from, and you could use it as an argument, but it wasnā€™t a huge red flag, in my opinion.

As you see, itā€™s difficult to read 3p members. Which is why I donā€™t really like lone 3p members. Hunting for them is a foolā€™s errand if they know what they are doing.

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3p members have the advantage of never being burdened with TMI unless it comes to discovering exactly the neutral killer, which is why they are capable of having genuine reads on groupscum. In open setups, this is less of an issue, because the presence of a neutral killer is known and they can be found based on that knowledge. In closed setups, this is a massive issue ā€“ not only because you may not know how many scum are still alive (or if they are even still in the game, after multiple scum flips), but also because you donā€™t expect the necessity to hunt for someone with no TMI on groupscum (but who is still scum).

This is why NK in closed setups is a particularly annoying thing for villagers, and why itā€™s more difficult to find them in that situation than it appears at first glance.


You canā€™t find them through mechanics because lolclaimvig and most people will not out their info, you canā€™t find them through TMI because they have no TMI on groupscum, and you canā€™t find them through agenda because their only agenda is ā€œanyone but me.ā€ They have no obligation to keep anyone else alive, and all alignments generally want to self-pres. Incredibly frustrating at times.

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There are exceptions to this, of course, especially when they are close to winning and need to be more pushy. Generally speaking, however, what I said applies.

I donā€™t really blame town for not being able to find Alice, but I still think that town should work more coherently as a unit and be less afraid of pushing the stronger players. That game goes differently with less TvT arguing and a consistent, solid, cooperative towncore.


This is why Iā€™ve been wanted to rand NK for a while here.
I doubt there will be any noticeable difference from how I play NK from town.
Only way to know is to play enough games until I rand as NK.

Magical ā€œtowncredā€ School Bus

I disagree with Aliceā€™s voting pattern not being scum AI.
Neutral Killer doesnā€™t wish to see every town live, nor every scum live.
If theyā€™re pushing for a balance of lynches itā€™s an indicator of NK.

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I believe she could know someone is scum but realise the scumteam are doing very poorly and proceed to push onto a different lynch
This is something a neutral killer does
Not something a town does
Which is why I believe NK vote pattern could be indication of NK

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The thing is that without having TMI yourself, itā€™s nigh impossible to distinguish ā€œNK voting patternā€ from ā€œtown voting patternā€ until very late into the game. If you know that NK exists, it is indeed possible, but you need to have a fairly solid grasp on the game to do this. Town can and will vote both town and scum as well.

The problem is that in a closed setup like Community FM was, itā€™s almost impossible. You donā€™t know that NK exists. There is no reason you should, unless you are a mechanics cop or something.


Tiny regret I helped talk the fellow mafia from strongman killing Alice night 1

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If I want to describe town playing badly, the word drater seems to be ok right?

Thatā€™s a big oof.

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Which is why I wouldnā€™t include it again, unless 3p is an entire faction or something. Alternatively, maybe make a town mechanics cop who knows about the existence of NK? Just something to let town know there is more than one faction to hunt for.

If scum keep dying, or are entirely wiped out, and the game still isnā€™t over, something is iffy and itā€™s not easy to figure out what.


Tbh it more screwed with Mafia, since they could have had an additional member (Letā€™s assume Alice was maf instead) and still have deep wolved to a win.

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