Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) šŸ˜¹

I do it all the time as villager

I am naturally incredibly self-aware and performative

faking townslips is NAI for me


It usually takes some experience in noticing performative posts. I do it a lot and nobody notices here but on MU there are some players that can easily out me with that.


iā€™m making an effort to improve

because it doesnā€™t really help

but itā€™s hard not to be super self aware

Yeah, same tbh. Itā€™s also because Iā€™m less motivated to clear myself as town.

ā€œI am basically an IC if you look at my postcountā€ was super obviously performative

but you got desperadoā€™d so I couldnā€™t be assed to push you

I donā€™t like desperdos and neuts


alice was wolfy, but in the end I was never going to seriously consider pushing her (until she outted) because pushing someon who canā€™t be gscum on the off chance they are neut is just not really worth it


asking me about my thoughts on a given situation when I was already in your town box was also super performative
I had desperado shoot you then couldnā€™t be half assed to think nk

my bombā€™s gambit strat also kind of torpedoed both sides in the end and all it really accomplished was helping everyone forget that NK could possibly exist, letting them flip a dozen town in a row with no consequences

Iā€™m performative as both alignments but I think Iā€™m differently performative as scum

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Even FK realized that I pretty much won the game when I got desperadoā€™d.

The interaction there was just horribly implemented.

that play was effective because circumstances of survival for app were wack

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but yes
it worked

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Tbh, he was kind of an obvious coasting wolf.

Usually people who get TRā€™d after getting a pelt and then lowpost are usually wolves.

he got another pelt in italy afterward
that game happened

oh yeah
That one post with me telling leafia to get her head out of her ass
Was planted specifically in the hopes that it would fool you in particular

I completely ignored it
I think

You glanced at it

And then i think you compared it to NDFM or some other game, where I was far less agressive

He opened the game in Insurgency by obviously trying to bus Seth.

Heā€™s a busser. You shouldnā€™t really TR known bussers just for getting a pelt.

I believe the ndfm comparison was for your interaction with simon

I didnā€™t read that game