Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

I’d feel really mean using WoTM even if I knew it would be better for the rest of the players

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wait what does it mean i forgot

Wisdom of the Mod

AKA barring someone from signing up from your game if you don’t think they would be a good fit

oh yeah lmao

we didnt do that on hpm bc we didnt have enough players otherwise

Or rigging the rand to ensure that an extremely formidable or extremely weak scum team based on player composition cannot rand

Or something

(if this isn’t clear enough, yes I would plan to request a signup blacklist, but only IFF this request would never be published in the public logs)

Otherwise, i’ll just go at things solo and try as hard as i possibly can to resist
Might need help from @anon97870008, who’s seemed to have mastered this art by now

I mean

if it’s not publicly posted then hosts won’t know to enforce it

so … no

the logs would say ‘has been sign-up blacklisted for [x] months by personal request’ or something to that effect

@Arete would you be able to consider purging the record of the request from the public logs after the length of my request ends

if so, i might still consider it

if not, definitely not, and i strongly suspect no one not already in those logs ever would, either.

you could just not signup until you feel like you’re ready

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But addiction.



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Also, check Discord I want to brag to you.

FM addiction has gotten to a point for me that i’d like administrative help
But that’s not worth the unjustified humiliation of being put in the public logs for eternity for never breaking any rules. Nothing is (and frankly, nothing should be for anyone IMHO)

do you guys have a discord server

if so can u link it

i feel like the swan in that one story yeah

check ami’s profile here

many of us are not in tolcord but are in her server

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whatever, please just ping me when you have an answer

Anyone who is familiar with my history here knows that i’ve tried to do this multiple times before but have always inevitably failed to resist when I knew i should have, eventually.

it’s ok i’ll just join every game you’re in, kill you n1, then perma slank


That said, since i have nigh infinite time now, it’s now less a fear of fm ruining my life and more a fear of not being mentally ready to do anything in-game

but, the last time this happened sometime in may, I felt like utter shit, took a few week break with the animal crossing community to recharge, and came back feeling well.

I felt great for BotF3 I think, and i did as well for parts of CFM2. In CFM2 i still believe I made the move that gave our team slightly better odds that anything not involving that move would have, which i am proud of.

I hereby revoke my request @Arete @DatBird

p sure another few to several week animal crossing / other relaxation break from FM might sufficiently recharge me