Chloe fan club (but only FM related) (formerly initiative to improve townplay thread) 😹

Also, why the hell should alts exist in the first place?
There isn’t actually a point for them.

I got shouted at when I asked or even spoke about an alt possibly existing.

Meta should never be a main argument. It should be there, just in case, to be used if a player has a certain play style or a town tell or something

But an argument should mostly be comprised of things a player actually did in the game.

Alt games help people get better at recognizing things that make people scummy without meta.


That’s because alt rules suck


Like as much as i hate alts. Tone, analysis, votes, gut, and on a rare occassion mech can help solve. Just because alts are there doesnt mean u cant use em. They all help solve.

take this to war room discord general, please

Im being boxed in

I’m not saying it’s a damn main argument, I’m calling it an argument, for fucks sake.

Thanks Sherlock, but meta is still an argument to use against a person, it’s how Italy is caught a lot, plus alts are just unfun for the person playing them in general.

Then get rid of alts until they’re properly fixed or even fun to play.

I like alts because they make me distance from myself tbh

You don’t realise the point I’m getting at.

Alts are unfun for the other players in the game and unfun for the direct player themselves.


This is a horrible mentality, what the fuck.

I really liked Merc being an alt
That was like
A brilliant entrance


I mean

I personally enjoyed playing on an alt until I accidentally posted on my main a certain point in the game


Yes, maybe you did play, but that was in a game completely filled by alts anyway, it’s not a good example since alts are literally required.

Disagree. I quite like roleplaying characters (albeit everybody knows all alts I have)

(fyi I’m also PonyGoodlight on some sites if you didn’t know.)

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mate, roleplaying ain’t the same as playing a game on an alt.

I RP all the time because it’s fun.

i liked using big fancy words



This was actually bugged
I remember this

(bugged as in I couldn’t add them as a friend iirc)

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What I’m getting at is that alts just shouldn’t exist until they’re either fixed, actually fun to play on, or are just not so boring.