Christmas gifts for our wonderful Devs and Mods! (donations open)

Fellow ToL Community Members,

Our Mods and Devs work so hard for us, so I thought it would be nice to get them something to show our appreciation. The plan is to buy each Mod and Dev a present for Christmas this year. We have a list of the gifts that each of them wants this year, and the total price comes to what I have set as the goal. Any extra funds will be divided up evenly between each of the mods and devs who responded, or donated to a charity of their choosing. Lets show our love for all they have done for our community. Please donate anonymously if at all possible, be considerate of those who might have less to give.


Edit: In response to Xblade and the devs encouragement to make this for the mods only, and support the devs by buying gold, I just wish to make clear that everyone now knows this is for mod gifts primarily, the excess will still be donated to suicide prevention services, as outlined later in the thread. Id still like to give the devs something, so maybe anyone who reads this give the game a review on steam? Im sure that would make them happy. They put a lot of work into making this game that let us become the community we are, the least we can do is tell them how much we love the game.

Inspirational credit goes to Luxx for an offhand comment about something she would like but couldn’t afford.
Secondary inspiration goes to Christmas for existing and encouraging giving.

Credit to Celeste for the art edit, I assume the original art is owned by Imperium42, I hope that’s okay for us to use?

EDIT: Xblade here, taking over this edit, pass ALL funding to the moderators only, the devs are content :slight_smile:
can just buy gold in-game for dev support

Edit: another edit, something has been brought to my attention, you cannot donate via paypal it seems, does anyone know of a way to work around that? So far it seems that since im not a real charitable organization, that I cannot accept paypal donations. I could myself set up a paypal to donate direct to I suppose, then I just have to monitor two pots of money.

Edit: Id also like to take a moment to thank Celeste, Zhack, and Cbman for all their help on this so far, I couldnt have gotten this far without their support, thank you all.


I would definitely help with both of these gracious ideas. Thanks for the idea man! The moderators really need some love and this would help them extremely! However, I do wish we could help everyone! Including the developers and the guides who help us out so much.

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Ok, list of known gift suggestions so far.

Luxx: Pokemon game she doesnt own (Possible games: Red, Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, Diamond, HeartGold, Black2 and UltraMoon)
Ruby: steam game/giftcard
Meth: something off steam wishlist.
Ashe: Money for lego, figure out some fair sum based on donations, a copy of starbound
Plex: Sims 3 (will check if they would like expansions, not much more expensive to buy one of the bundles)
Alfa: something from their steam wishlist it sounded like.
Tryp: PUBG
Fade steam wishlist game.
Rob Amazon gift card. (German amazon)

Xblade Donates their share to the secret project.
Elsa Same as Xblade
Thunder: Same
Arnenzo: Same
Will add remaining Devs as I speak to them.

Edit: We reached the secret goal, Boslof got his plane tickets to visit Luxx. :smiley: Come on everyone, a little more and we can get everyone elses gifts too!

I bought 10 dollars in gold that I didn’t need just to support them because they’re awesome devs!

That was my initial thought, but that leaves out the mods, they should get something for all their effort.

Ok, list of known gift suggestions so far.

Luxx: Pokemon game she doesnt own (Possible games: Red, Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen, Diamond, HeartGold, Black2 and UltraMoon)
Ruby: MTG cards (money to help make deck/buy box of new cards) Or steam game.
Meth: Chicken Nuggets (has asked to please not get chicken nuggets) so something off steam wishlist.
Ashe: Money for lego, figure out some fair sum based on donations, a copy of starbound
Plex: Sims 3 (will check if they would like expansions, not much more expensive to buy one of the bundles)
Alfa: something from their steam wishlist it sounded like.
Tryp: PUBG
Fade Ghost 1.0 (a game)
Rob Amazon gift card. German Amazon gift card. The german bit is important, as the gift cards are not universal.

So to 100% clarify, a gift card for

Xblade Donates their share to the secret project.
Elsa Same as xblade
All Devs so far put their share towards the secret project

Currently the plan if no one comes up with a better one is to make a money pool to buy these things out of, any physical gifts we can simply provide the money for the purchase if they are nervous about giving an address.

Anyone else interested in participating, post in the thread, I could also really use some help organizing and setting this up, ive never done anything like this before.


WE ARE OPEN! The gofundme is up finally.

Guide isn’t at all appointed, definitely don’t do that.

Plus you’ll all lose that status in like a month anyways, the requirements get higher and higher as the forum is growing (it’s percentage-based).

Would donate but have no income, rip

Happy to donate some soon. However, I think the Discord Guides are appointed and are also Forum Guides, you can correct me if wrong. I’m fine with not rewarding Guides though. The mods work WAY harder.
Thanks for the idea Weizen!

They are, I was somewhat against including guides in the list of people to get gifts, Im just including luxx because she was part of the inspiration. Obviously im not going to stop people getting each other gifts if they wished to though. If this catches on and we want to repeat it next year or something it could get bigger, but for now, lets keep it simple, mods and devs get gifts.

hehe don’t worry about devs, pass it all onto the mods, they are volunteers and work their BUTTS off :slight_smile:

to support the devs, you can just buy gold (which spoils us AND spoils yourself)!

To support the mods, this gofundme thing sounds like a cool idea~

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You’ve all pretty much given that answer so far :smiley: . Im just waiting on word from the last few devs just in case they wanted something.

Edit: Xblade’s statement about gold buying makes a lot of sense.

Also, if Xblade still around or another dev comes by, is it okay that we used that artwork and modified it? I forgot to ask before we did it.

The forum’s community guides are selected by an algorithm.

If the algorithm stops applying to you, you lose the status.

Really? because i was made a forum guide the exact same time i was made a discord guide, and no one has ever even suggested anything about algorithms or possibly losing the rank here or there.

Also, i dont mean to be rude, but id like to keep this thread clear of semi unrelated arguments, we could start a separate thread about how guides work if you would like, just feels weird to be having this discussion on a thread looking for donations to buy the mods presents. Is that okay?

In that case you may have been manually appointed to TL3, but there is most certainly an algorithm in place.

Edit: missed your edit sorry :cry:

Its okay, Id just really like to keep the topic on the thing the thread is about, dont worry about it, thank you.

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There is no algorithm. Guides are not a rank, they’re a group with a rank. So it’s 100% manual.

Thanks for clearing that up Tryp.

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If I had money I would donate, I need to get my fucking prescription for anti-depression meds, which is fun. (Amercian heath care is a shitshow, ask anyone with insurance here)

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